December 15, 2020
Published by Writer
As a savvy business owner, you understand how vital your parking lot is. You make sure it’s resurfaced on time, you keep it free of puddles and potholes and you ensure it’s restriped when necessary. However, when it comes to knowing how often to restripe parking lots in Phoenix, AZ, it can be tough to gauge how best to proceed. Fortunately, we’ve got you covered. Why should I restripe my lot? It doesn’t matter what kind of business you own—you’re undoubtedly looking for ways to cut costs. But don’t skimp out on your parking lot stripes as a way to... View Article
December 1, 2020
Published by Writer
When you’re trying to engineer the success of a brick-and-mortar business, your parking lot says a lot about your operation. To your prospective clients and customers, your parking lot indicates your level of success and the effort you put into your presentation. Both of those are critical components in the quest for economic success. That’s why making sure your lot is properly maintained is so essential. Of course, keeping your lot in good condition is about more than keeping your parking lot free of potholes. It means paying attention to your lot’s striping, too. The stripes in your parking lot... View Article
March 19, 2020
Published by Writer
Businesses that take the time to consider the anticipated flow of traffic and the types of vehicles that will frequent their property have parking lots that successfully meet all of their customers’ needs. This takes a lot of thoughtful planning and consultation to complete effectively, so follow along with this guide for an introduction to some of the basic parking lot striping standards in Phoenix, AZ to make sure your business is not only meeting Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance guidelines, but also generally making life easier for everyone that visits your location. Parking lot striping basics The primary... View Article