March 19, 2020
Published by Writer
Businesses that take the time to consider the anticipated flow of traffic and the types of vehicles that will frequent their property have parking lots that successfully meet all of their customers’ needs. This takes a lot of thoughtful planning and consultation to complete effectively, so follow along with this guide for an introduction to some of the basic parking lot striping standards in Phoenix, AZ to make sure your business is not only meeting Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance guidelines, but also generally making life easier for everyone that visits your location. Parking lot striping basics The primary... View Article
March 5, 2020
Published by Writer
Whether they’re visiting a residential or commercial property, very few people will notice or recognize the type of concrete curbs that are used. What they are sure to notice, though, is the ease of flow both on and off your property, and the level of convenience these curbs may or may not provide. That makes it all the more important to select the most effective curb type for your property. With this in mind, your local concrete paving specialists are here with a guide to five of the most common types of curbs in Phoenix, AZ to help you make... View Article
February 20, 2020
Published by Writer
Every business can benefit from having its own parking lot for customers and employees to use. After all, if people cannot find parking near your establishment, there’s a chance they will just take their business somewhere else. A parking lot requires work to maintain, but the responsibilities that come with owning an asphalt parking lot are worth it—especially for the success of your business. Make a maintenance schedule, stick to it and always be on the lookout for signs of wear and tear. First impressions count, big time. With this in mind, here’s how asphalt parking lot repairs can help... View Article
February 6, 2020
Published by Writer
There may come a time when you need to remove and dispose of an old concrete surface or other building materials. Your first thought might go to DIY, but here’s the thing. Even though you might have the drive to do your own demolition project, you must be realistic about the fact that you probably don’t know the proper techniques or have the knowledge to do it correctly. Applying for demolition and building permits, arranging to have old materials hauled off and understanding the rules and regulations of demolition work are all things professionals bring to the table. Below are... View Article
January 22, 2020
Published by Writer
Asphalt driveways have a number of advantages over other types of paved surfaces. One potential downfall, however, is that homeowners with asphalt driveways have to pay to get them sealcoated every few years. Sealcoating has tons of advantages, though, and this post will cover a few of the reasons to hire a crew for sealcoating in Phoenix, AZ today: Prevents fading: The sun’s harmful rays, along with rain and other elements, will eventually turn that dark, rich asphalt into a gray and shoddy-looking driveway. Though the gray driveway might not have any defects, it certainly doesn’t look good in front... View Article