September 1, 2018
Published by Writer
Both business building owners and homeowners turn to asphalt paving in Phoenix, AZ for their driveways, parking lots and other surfaces. Asphalt, when installed properly, can withstand harsh elements and heavy foot and vehicle traffic, but only if it’s regularly maintained and repaired. Here’s a brief look at the paving process and the time it takes to pave a surface. The time it takes to pave If your asphalt surfaces are not smooth and crack-free, instead filled with potholes, stains and other damage, it’s time to fill and repave. Damaged pavement is unsafe for walking on and can harm vehicles.... View Article
August 10, 2018
Published by Writer
Asphalt offers a ton of advantages over other paving materials like concrete. It doesn’t take long to install, it’s durable and it looks great for years and years. Asphalt does have one big downside, though: potholes. Over time, moisture seeps into asphalt through tiny cracks. These cracks grow wider and wider, and eventually become full-blown potholes that can damage your tires and even be a tripping hazard. The bad news is that potholes are inevitable. The good news is that we can get rid of all of your potholes with asphalt repair in Phoenix, AZ. Continue reading to learn more... View Article
July 27, 2018
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It should come as no surprise that owning a business has quite a few hidden costs. One of the costs that’s hiding in plain sight is the cost of repaving your parking lot. Luckily, asphalt parking lots last a long time, so they don’t need to be repaved all that often. However, that doesn’t mean you can just stand by and wait for someone to complain before you finally repave it—you’ve got to be proactive about asphalt repair in Phoenix, AZ. Here are a few of the top reasons to repave your parking lot: Improve appearance: The exterior of your... View Article
July 17, 2018
Published by Writer
There are three common issues in concrete that keep popping up—cracking, curling and shrinking. When you notice these issues, you might not think they’re a big deal. But the fact is that you need to bring in a highly qualified concrete contractor in Phoenix, AZ sooner rather than later. Doing regular concrete maintenance can mean the difference between having a driveway or parking lot that lasts well into the future versus one that needs to be replaced completely. While concrete is a very durable material, that doesn’t mean it will last forever. Let’s take a look at each issue and... View Article
July 3, 2018
Published by Writer
No one likes to spend money on routine maintenance costs, but you know that spending a bit upfront will save you money in the long run. You might be looking at your driveway or parking lot and thinking it doesn’t look that bad. Sure, there are cracks, potholes and plenty of other signs of wear and tear, but it can always wait, right? Well, not quite. Those seemingly “minor” or “cosmetic” problems can become major problems very quickly if they’re not taken care of. When moisture seeps into cracks and expands, the crack will become a pothole. That’s one of... View Article