December 7, 2021
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Is your asphalt in need of a facelift? If your surface is looking a little worse for the wear, it might be time for asphalt repair—or it might be time to replace the surface with new asphalt paving. How can you make the best decision about your asphalt repair? Here are the FAQs with what you need to know. What is asphalt resurfacing? Asphalt resurfacing is a type of asphalt repair. Rather than dig up the entire asphalt material, technicians simply remove the top layer that is worn out and replace it with a new layer. Before asphalt resurfacing can... View Article
November 23, 2021
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Concrete finishes can be bland or beautiful. All it takes is a little extra touch to transform this material from a boring, flat surface to an inviting space bursting with character. If you’re finishing concrete, consider upgrading your project to decorative concrete. Here are four ideas to enhance your setting. Integral color concrete You don’t have to settle for blah gray or plain beige. This type of decorative concrete features pigment that is added during the concrete mixing process. The possibilities are nearly endless. You can even mix and match different colors of concrete to create patterns or designs. Another... View Article
November 11, 2021
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Are the winter temperatures making you wonder, “Is it too cold to pour concrete?” Most experts believe that the best temperature for pouring concrete is somewhere between 50°F and 60°F. Temperatures below 40°F will slow down the chemical reactions needed to strengthen concrete. This can, in turn, lead to weaker concrete that may crack or chip sooner than expected. Hot temperatures aren’t good for concrete either. In fact, temperatures above 77°F may cause the water present in a wet cement mixture to evaporate too quickly, which can also lead to weaker concrete. Below, we provide several concrete pouring tips for... View Article
October 28, 2021
Published by Writer
Are you looking for a way to get a better price for your home? Consider a new asphalt driveway. You might be wondering how asphalt driveways add value to your property. New asphalt driveways increase curb appeal and improve the overall appearance of your home. Installing a new asphalt driveway is one of the easiest and most inexpensive ways to increase the value of your home. Read on for more information on how asphalt driveways add value to your property. Entice potential buyers Good curb appeal is extremely important when trying to sell your home. That’s why many people invest... View Article
October 15, 2021
Published by Writer
Whether you’re planning on laying some new pavement or you’re getting ready for a large construction project, it’s important to know how to break down concrete in a sidewalk or driveway. Unfortunately, clearing away an old driveway or sidewalk is a lot easier said than done. The good news is that it is possible to clear away old pavement effectively using the right tools and methods. How to break down concrete in a sidewalk or driveway If you’re wondering how to break down concrete in a sidewalk or driveway, it’s important to keep in mind how much of a difference... View Article